Wednesday, March 25, 2009

4 month vaccinations

were yesterday for Danika. She had 3 needles-2 in one leg and 1 in the other. She of course cried but was easily comforted. She is 25 inches long and weighs 13 lbs, 12 ounces which means she didn't gain any weight over the past 2 months which is very alarming! The nurse and I talked and we think maybe she isn't getting enough from me only. That is why we could also be having the less frequent BM's. I felt so bad as this never even crossed my mind as she is a happy baby and when I burp her she usually spits up a bit. Needless to say when I got home she had a bottle and thankfully had no issues with taking the bottle. She drank about 2 ounces from that and off to bed she went. By the time she was ready for her next feed I had plenty to offer her as missing one feeding let my milk supply build in volume. The nurse wants me to bring her in once a week to weigh her now and make an appointment with my doctor to have her looked at. Now that I know to supplement her I am not as alarmed as I was last night. To boot she had a nice poop for me before her nap. I am also going to start her on rice cereal I think she is ready...I feel so guilty, but by no means is she dehydrated, gaunt, etc. She is a plump, pink and a happy little baby...I will be more watchful to make sure she is gaining a half pound a week from now on!

I finished this layout yesterday. All of it was from Just Cre8 March 09 kit...except I used Glimmermist on the keys and the lock. I wrote UN by the lock...but it is hard to see. This layout was inspired by two things...1. a fight between me and Dennis...long story but the short of it is he went out Friday night without calling to let me know that he was going rude! and the 2nd is the Letters to Scrap By challenge to use the colour magenta. So the upside to the fight is it produced a layout about me again! HAHA

Last Saturday I took Jacie and Danika and us girls went shopping all day. We ended by going to the movie "the race to witch mountain". I was so nervous taking Danika but thankfully she did really well. It was so loud though, but she was good sitting in my lap and she actually fell asleep for a bit. It was nice to spend the day with my daughters! We will have to do that again soon.

1 comment:

  1. Lori I looooovveee that layout. And men are bastards. Oh, did I say that?? How can you tell I'm pissed at mine for the very same thing??? well, more time in my art room as I'm not talking to him right now anyways! Don't feel guilty over the baby, now that you know she'll plump up in no time and gain weight. She's happy so it has to be all good!
