to do much of anything-except scrapp! Considering Danika had her first ever 12 hour sleep (I got 6) I should be more than rested, but I am not!! At least not today. *YAWN*

I have been wanting to scrapp this picture for a long time and had such a hard time coming up with a there it sat...until I saw the challenge on the Dream Girls Challenge Blog. They wanted you to use a movie quote, along with chipboard and jounaling. I love how it turned out, but I am not liking the way the layouts look after I crop them, etc. They use to come out bright and clear and now I can hardly read the journaling and they look dull. I may have to get out the tripod and work some magic, as the lighting or something is off...
Well I am excited for American Idol tonight! Love that show! I am rooting for Danny, Matt, Chris and of course ADAM! The girls don't come close to these boys!
Anyway, steak, sauteed mushrooms, onions, corn and baked beans tonight for supper! YUM-O!!
Like you American Idol favs, they are my favs too, I wouldn't mind seeing Matt around for another week too. Speaking of Favourites...Check out my blog, I've tagged you as one of my top 10 favourite blogs!