tomorrow! The holidays have gone by so fast, but it is good to get the kids back to school as I think we are were getting cabin fever. I haven't had a moment to do any scrapping, which bums me out, but hopefully I can get back to it soon.
Danika was not sleeping very well, so I went and reread the book "The Secrets of the Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg and boy has that helped me out a lot. I have a routine set out now and so far it has worked great. She is sleeping longer and I am getting some freedom back as well. I highly recommend that book to anyone you know who is having a baby or has a baby. I went online to the website and to my shock I found out that Tracy Hogg died on Nov 25, 2004 from melanoma. She had published 3 books total before she passed away. I am not sure how old she was...

Tonight I am determined to watch a movie...last night putting the little ones down was insane. Kael was wound up and wanted no part of bed. By 9pm that was enough...we finally just had to let him cry it out, as he was just inconsolable and wanted no part of bed. I gave him Advil to see if that would help him. One eye tooth has finally made its way though and the other 3 are coming in as well. Ugh! Poor guy. Danika finally went down for the night around 10pm, which is later than usual for her. She woke up at 3am for her feed and then again at 6am. So needless to say when the little ones finally fell asleep, we weren't far behind them!
She is so darn cute!! Now where the hell was that baby whisperer book when my kids were young?? Now I need a "unruly teen whisperer" book! aaack! Oh, that wasn't a brick stamp, it's a transparancy from Hambly. Hambly is yummo! I too have to go back to work tomorrow after 2 glorious weeks off. I'm just dreading it!!!!
ReplyDeleteHi Lori, I just love looking at your layouts and the pictures of your family, it makes me want to have another baby! I'm glad you liked your card and flowers for Danika, thanks for the note, I'm sending out this month's kits tomorrow! It's super cute! Hope you have fun with it.